Hello this is my first full length TExt Story of Levon and His Palz, Kavinelz and Beefz. I hops you enox
IT wadt he dead night of night. Levon and his plaz Kavinelz and Beefzz were sitting around in the club house (Called the CLIQURE TREEHOUSE BITCH1!!!!!!!). Levonz was like "hey IM pretty pretty b0rned lets do something fagz lol"
KaivnelZ Le KAvine said "Ok but you are PAsying LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Beef is lice " WTF Fuck I am Gay LolZ"
SO Levon and his pAlZZz went into kavine;'s big Mother FTRUCKing Truck and went to 22 two two 2 too point the town red?. So whe driving down the main street in OIndidan. Levons saez" " " Hey look a a bagel store lets go 2 it and e@Ttt @ at pavgels in this store then SHOOt IT up with our ak -47s allah akbar"; Beef said " That is a gREAT Idea Levon Levon is such Full of Great IDeas God DAmn LEvon is SO trucking smart sma%R". Levomn msaid ";;)"
So they get out teh fuckeinggg truCkING truck and wentered into the store. L:Evon " saids " i want a regulaur bagel w/ butter" Kavinel was like " i want an everything bael cuz i am shit lol" Beef said "pagels are ghey Actually nah I want a Reg bageptl with Bu?ter?"
Teh store clerk was like " Ok tTtththat will be 49 doller's a'a'a lo 'real , cum shit""Levon is pasying REmember??????????????????????????????
????????????????" Sarez Lkavinel .
Levon was like " FUCK YOu" aDn took out 500 dolleers from his dad ( cuz levon buys shit from his dad FUCK YOU ))))))))))))))))))0 Levon sad "THanks very you much Thanks"""""'
Kavie nl pulled out his ak -4913 and shot L EVON in the hea,d, the blood gushing from his hot wound made levo nco,,lapge on the floor sayinng " WHy"???/ X_X" Kavniel sadid " cuz u are gay Ha ha :"::
Beef was like fuck u ai ma gay the end
PArt Two Coming Soon 2 A Newgorunds near u (lol)
Mood: Chilling.